The Spotlight!

Wear Yellow Nebraska is taking center stage in the fight against cancer!

Many of you are familiar with our past year activities as LIVESTRONG Army Omaha, but due to recent changes in the leader guidelines at the Lance Armstrong Foundation they have decided to move away from the "army" concept in favor of "leaders."

We're not going away!

We're going to continue to grow our local grass roots effort with the non-profit Wear Yellow Nebraska - Uniting Nebraskans in the Fight Against Cancer!

Our army will be strong! The board members of WYN were the founding members of Livestrong Army Omaha, so nothing about what we do will change. Actually, we will increase our impact! We have plans . . . big plans to:

- grow our army through community awareness activities
- to raise funds for local cancer non-profit organizations through our own signature Wear Yellow events and the Lance Armstrong Foundation
- to advocate for patients and their families
- to be a catalyst for policy change to increase funding for research and patient care

We will be working hard to get the Wear Yellow Nebraska name "out there" over the course of this year! We encourage you to join us on Facebook or send us an email to join our update list. Please encourage your family, friends and co-workers to unite us in our fight and become a part of our army.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at

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Thanks! Tributes! Testimonials!

from Camp CoHoLo -

February 20, 2012

I want to pass along my heartfelt thanks to you, the Wear Yellow board of directors, and the Wear Yellow members for your tremendous support of Camp CoHoLo over the past three years. Your most recent donation to our children's cancer camp is significant, and is large enough to cover all of the costs for our sibling camp to be held this fall.

Just like Wear Yellow Nebraska, the members of Camp CoHoLo's board of director and camp staffes are all volunteers. One hundred percent of donations to Camp CoHoLo go directl towards our summer cancer camp, fall sibling camp, and winter carnival. Your donations will be put to good use.

Jay Slagle
Camp CoHoLo BOD President

Thanks Jay! We're proud to support Camp CoHoLo!