November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Throughout the month we will be sharing with you information on lung cancer to help increase your awareness. We invite you to post comments to this post on what you are doing in Nebraska to help reduce the incidence of lung cancer of this deadly type of cancer.

- ANYONE can get lung cancer. You do NOT have to smoke to get it!

- Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in men and women. It accounts for approximately 15% of all new cancers.

- CT scans can help reduce the number of cancer deaths.

1 comment:

  1. Lung cancer is such a deadly disease and the survival rate is so less. Since this is a lung cancer awareness month I pledge my complete support to this cause. Read more:


Thanks! Tributes! Testimonials!

from Camp CoHoLo -

February 20, 2012

I want to pass along my heartfelt thanks to you, the Wear Yellow board of directors, and the Wear Yellow members for your tremendous support of Camp CoHoLo over the past three years. Your most recent donation to our children's cancer camp is significant, and is large enough to cover all of the costs for our sibling camp to be held this fall.

Just like Wear Yellow Nebraska, the members of Camp CoHoLo's board of director and camp staffes are all volunteers. One hundred percent of donations to Camp CoHoLo go directl towards our summer cancer camp, fall sibling camp, and winter carnival. Your donations will be put to good use.

Jay Slagle
Camp CoHoLo BOD President

Thanks Jay! We're proud to support Camp CoHoLo!